понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

california city tracy

Today was my first (and possibly last) visit to the Frank Erwin Center, which is the UT basketball arena that is sometimes transformed into a concert venue. There was a radio station promotion where they were selling Weezer tickets for $15 after fees, so several of us went, and we clearly didnapos;t know what to expect. The show started at 7PM, had two opening bands, and though I came an hour late because of a work meeting, I had to endure Angels and Airwaves (since when do kids from California speak out of their nose? And since when did saying "weapos;re from fucking California" between every few songs imply that itapos;s a good thing? I hate you), and Weezer didnapos;t come on until after 9PM. I guess we had seats to the side, and the acoustics were dreadful and just sounded noisy, and I was only having an okay time until about the end, when they brought up a whole crowd of people who had flocked to the radio station to play with Weezer There were guitarists, drummers, a tuba, a trombone, clarinets, and many more, and that part was pretty darned awesome. I love it when bands interact with the audience.

Now I think I need to go recover from the cold Iapos;ve caught from R, despite my being convinced that I am immune to colds. I feel offended that my body has let me down like this

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Iapos;m slowly getting my steam back and that feels good, now I just need to prioritize my time. I fell onto fanforum.com this past week after devouring Hairspray and totally falling for it. The fandom grabbed me and Iapos;m going with it. I was waiting for something to, other than writing, which is going well, and it showed up. I just didnapos;t think itapos;d be a musical. Iapos;m writing alot of original stuff now and thatapos;s pretty much where my headapos;s probably gonna stay. But, Iapos;m loving it...

I just need more time

I want Heroes to work itself out dammit

I need an ebook reader...
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Ah, so Iapos;m pinning pieces together now. I went out with mom this afternoon and bought lining fabric, since Iapos;d like to make this thing more than just for costuming. I still have to wash the lining fabric, and I probably over-bought, but itapos;s black. Iapos;m sure I can use black fabric for something else. Driving home, I decide to take the highway (Mom drove to the store since Liam called just before we were leaving and I wanted to get to talk to him on his break. And mom rarely ever takes the highway anywhere.)

But Iapos;d decided to take the highway today more because I hadnapos;t driven on the highway in a while. Well, longer than the distance from the on ramp from Route 7 to 7B on 295 South. And even then, not so much. So, I get onto the highway. And just after passing the next on ramp, I realize, hey, people are slowing. For roughly 12 minutes, I went between 0 and 3 mph. Mostly around the zero though. Turns out, a big Bennyapos;s delivery truck was involved. (Mom saw the name on the cab door, but I missed most of what was there, just trying to get out of the way and speed up and whatnot.)

I texted Liam about that when I got home. He called me on his 10-minute break about half an hour ago. Apparently their storeapos;s been expecting a truck today. It still hadnapos;t arrived and they were all beginning to wonder what the reason was. I kind of hope it wasnapos;t that truck they were waiting for, apos;cause that would just be weird, thanks.

In other news, thereapos;s a cardinal and a blue jay in the chestnut tree right now. I asked dad what a type of bird was the other day, but he missed it. I thought it came back but it flew off before he got to look, and he saw a different bird, I think, because he was insisted it had a tuft/crest thing. The one I asked about, Iapos;m fairly sure, did not. He tried looking it up on the computer and said he thinks it was a tufted titmouse. This morning, I saw two that looked exactly like the picture for the tufted titmouse, too. They were not, however, like the birds Iapos;d asked about. So, neat. And not.

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atlantic beach city hotel

Through the rush of othersapos; excitement and the way of the new paths, a recent overabundance of energy resulting in far less time spent sleeping of late, Isarim was joining the fad and the flow and exploring.

He was pleased to find that by some standards, heapos;d seen much of the worlds already.

Some places were new, though, and he sang quietly, half of the words in Foxapos;s forgotten other language, riding through the forests of Ashenvale with love in his heart.

When he arrived in the Shrine of Aessina, it hit him like a wonderful kick in the chest, some benevolent horse keen on making him realize what heapos;d found.

They had been here. Oh, they had been here years ago, shyly holding hands and wishing well their friends, making quiet plans for later times.

It was joy, it was significance, it was legacy.

Isarim smiled peaceful assurances at the locals, raised a hand, and turned to leave.

Theyapos;d have years too, they would. He and Kamaia.

And maybe more than that.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Title: Wyvern
Author: A. A. Attanasio
Year: 1988
# of Pages: 693
Date read: 8/29/2008
Rating: 4*/5 = great


"He came from the jungles to challenge the world...

1609. A time when navigation was more art than science, when the whole wide world was thought of as plunder. This is the time when Jaki Gefjon was born in the dark jungle of Borneo, A fair-skinned half-breed, Jaki is outcast as a devil child. Until he emerges from the jungle and enters upon an epic adventure: through times of violence, treachery, mysticism, love, and loss." -- from the back cover

My thoughts:

This was a beautifully written epic story about life, death, love and self-discovery as Jaki Gefjon struggles to unite the teachings of both the jungle and the sea. I especially liked Jakiapos;s interactions with his mentors Jabalwan and later Captain Pym.

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��� Well me and Ziemer found an apartment and have it locked in for us exclusively, but there is a catch, we have to have the prorated rent for this month before we can actually move in. So yeah, we went to loan places, his parents because obviously they owe him big after kicking him out, they would have helped us, but they just replaced a roof and took the dogs to the vet. I�just want to get out of my momapos;s house, I feel like I have worn my welcome out and not only that, but my mom isnapos;t too fond of Ziemer. The only reason she let him stay with us is because of me and the baby, she didnapos;t want me mad at her.� Not only do I want to get out because of that, well my room has become on tiny storage shed for a lot of shit, me and his boxes combined, waiting until we moove.
��� Well, Iapos;m ten weeks along now, luckily I�havenapos;t had the worst of the pregnancy yet, except for the occasional stretching of my stomach muscles, cross my finger, still no morning sickness, only occassional nausea.
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